Monday, October 11, 2010

Essay #3 topic

I am choosing to write my definitional argument about Victorianism.  Which, by Wikipedia definition, is referred to as the name given to the attitudes, art, and culture of the latter two-thirds of the 19th century, especially with reference to English-speaking peoples and the British Empire.”  I feel that this topic will be easy to write about because it has certain characteristics associated with Victorianism and how the people were supposed to act during that time.  The era that Queen Victoria reined was from 1837 to 1901.  Everything changed in the 20s when the flappers came along.  Some of the characteristics associated with Victorianism are prudery, bigotry, and hypocrisy. 
Depending on how easily I can find research to back up my topic, I may decide to change it to the Flappers.  They came along in the 1920s and changed everyone’s way of thinking.  These were pretty much the opposite of the Victorian people.  They drank, flaunted their bodies, smoked, danced, listened to jazz, and completely changed the way American women thought.  I also think this will be an easy topic to write about because there is so much information available about the “Roaring Twenties” and the flappers. 
Either one of these topics will be relatively easy to find information about.  I think that hardest part is going to be writing a new type of paper.  I have never done a definitional paper and it was very difficult for me to even think of these ideas.  The credibility of the sources I find will help me narrow down my choice to one.

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