Wednesday, October 13, 2010

3rd essay Source credibility

The source that I am evaluating deals with the “American Dream” and what exactly constitutes this dream.  One of the websites I found that deals with this topic is  Just by looking at the URL I can already figure out where this information came from.  The ending “.org” tells me that it is a nonprofit organization.  The “.uk” also tells me it came from the United Kingdom.  By going to the website you learn that the author of this article is Matthew Warshauer, and it is part of American Studies Today Online, which is published by American Studies Resources Centre.  Doing a little bit of research tells me that Warshauer is a history professor at Central Connecticut State University and has a PhD in American Studies.  This gives him a lot of credibility to be writing about the topic of the “American Dream.”  Also, the site does an excellent job in citing its own sources, which are many.  The article was posted in 2002, which isn’t too recent but also not too old to be considered valid information.  The article is long and has many different sections to it.  It shows different sides to the argument and gives many examples of what they call “rags to riches” stories.  Overall I feel that this source is a good one to use.  It comes from an educational origin and is written by an intelligent professor who has completed many years of school dealing with American studies.

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